
Tex likes listening to cowboy music and eating fajitas with lots of hot sauce. When he's not at the ranch, you will find him reading or playing cards with his partners. 





Karl is a writer. He writes stories and poems at the cafe but only after he has his cappuccino.





A spud who lives and works in the mighty forests. Jacques is a lumberjack who makes sure to plant a new tree for every one he takes from the woods. 






Carla likes to travel lightly. All she needs is her hat and hand bag to get her to her next destination.






Kelly gets around town on her longboard. She says: "Feel the sidewalk glide under your wheels and fresh air on your face and you will know the meaning of true awesomeness!"





Carmen & Pablo

Carmen takes her tater tot Pablo for a jog every day. Pablo likes to show off his bottle skills to anyone who will notice. 






Robert likes to think he is the most handsome potato ever and never misses a chance to take a sweet selfie. 






The ocean can be kind of scary. Lewis was afraid to learn to swim but some friends let him use their floaties and now he swims everyday. 






Milo makes beautiful music all day and all night. 





C to the G

Clyde rides the C train to the G train to get to his job in the big city. He likes to read biographies of jazz musicians on his commute which allows him to ride in style. 






She is an expert gardener and knows that every plant needs water to make it happy. 






A sweet potato is healthy and fit. A good example is Victor who goes to the gym every day to keep in shape. 





The Tubers

Tom, Terri, and Tabitha try to have fun everywhere they travel. 






Philomela likes to swim with Oscar. They are experts at playing Marco Polo and can hold their breath longer than any of their friends. 






Clark lives in the forest but enjoys time in the meadows. When he finds a good one, with tasty grass and warm sunshine, it makes him want to dance. 






When the weather is nice, Heather is happy to have her friend Henry to hang out with.